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來源:Hellokid在線英語2020-05-11 19:44:34

How's the weather today?           今天天氣如何?
It's a sunny/cloudy/rainy day!            是個晴天/陰天/雨天!
It's very hot today, isn't it?           今天真熱呀!
It's blistering hot.         天氣炎熱。
I'm sensitive to heat.         我怕熱。
The heat is killing me.          熱死我了。
It's a fine day today.         今天的天氣真好!
It's asant.         這天真舒服。
It's mild today.         今天風和日麗。
Fine day, isn't it?         真是好天氣,不是嗎?
Great day ,isn't it ?          天氣不錯,對吧?
It's a nice/great/wonderful day!          今天是個好天!
It sure is.          是不錯啊。
How clean the air is!          空氣多么清新呀!
What's the forecast for tomorrow?         明天的天氣怎么樣?
It's going to be cold.          會冷吧。
How's the weather today?         今天的天氣怎么樣?
Is it going to rain today?         今天會下雨嗎?
I doubt it.         我想不會。
But I heard it might rain.         但是我聽說可能會下雨。
We're expecting some rain.         好像要下雨。
It supposed to rain.          應該要下雨了。
I don't think so.         我不這么認為。
It's raining/snowing.         下雨/雪了。
It's warm/cold/chilly/humid today.         今天很暖和/很冷/冷嗖嗖的/很悶熱。
It is growing cool.         天氣漸漸涼爽起來。
It has become much cooler.         天氣變得涼爽多了。
It's frosty today.         下霜了。
It's freezing.          冷得像要結冰了。
It sure is.          就是。
It's windy today.         今天風很大。
It's dry.         氣候干燥。
It's miserable.         糟糕的天氣。
It's uncomfortable today.         今天的天氣讓人不舒服。
It's overcast today.         今天陰天。
It's gloomy.         天陰沉沉的。
It's foggy.         起霧了。
It's misty.         霧蒙蒙的。
We're going to have a blizzard.         快要下暴風雨了。
It's stormy.           暴風雨天氣。
A typhoon is coming.           臺風快到了。
It's raining cats and dogs!          下了瓢潑大雨。









近日,hellokid在線少兒英語榮獲企業(yè)家日報社、浙江企業(yè)家理事會聯(lián)合評比的315誠信示范企業(yè)榮譽表彰。 企業(yè)家日報社、浙江企業(yè)家...