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牛津小學(xué)英語二年級(jí)知識(shí)點(diǎn) Unit7

來源:Hellokid在線英語2020-05-11 19:44:34



  hats帽子(復(fù)數(shù)) gloves手套(復(fù)數(shù)) scarves圍巾(復(fù)數(shù))

  winter冬天 cold冷的 wind風(fēng) snow雪

  light燈 clock鐘 snowman雪人 blow吹


  doctor醫(yī)生 nurse護(hù)士 cook廚師 old年老的

  young年青的 farmer農(nóng)民 fisherman漁夫 teacher教師

  fat胖的 thin瘦的 autumn秋天


  window窗戶 broom掃帚 rain雨 miming啞劇的


  1.Look at the bell. Listen to the bell.

  看鈴!    ÷犫徛。

  2.Look at the moon.  It’s big and yellow.

  看月亮!    ∷谴蟮暮忘S色的。

  3.Look at the leaf. It is yellow.  It is autumn.  I like autumn.

  看葉子!  ∷屈S色的!∷乔锾! ∥蚁矚g秋天

  4.Look at the clock.  Take your bag to school.

  看鐘!     ∧弥愕臅W(xué)校。

  5.Listen to the bird. Go to the swing. Touch the swing.

  聽鳥聲。    去秋千那!  ∮|摸秋千。

  6.Listen to me. Stand up, please.

  聽我說!  ≌埰鹆ⅰ

  Raise your hand. Put it down. Sit down, please.


  7.Listen to me. Open your book. Close your book. Give me a ruler.

  聽我說! 〈蜷_你的書! £P(guān)上你的書。  給我一把尺。

  8.Listen to the doctor. Open your mouth.

  聽醫(yī)生說!   堥_你的嘴巴。

  9.Look at your hands. Wash your hands. Eat a mooncake.

  看你的手!   ∠茨愕氖。   吃一只月餅。

  10.The wind blows on my face. 風(fēng)吹我的臉。

  11.Look at the fisherman. He is tall and thin.  He is young.

  看漁夫。      它是高的和瘦的! ∷悄贻p的。

  12.Look at the nurse. She is short and old.

  看護(hù)士!    ∷前暮屠系。

  13.Look at the snowman. It is fat.

  看雪人。      它是胖的。

  14.What have you got? I have got gloves.

  你有什么?    我有手套。

  What has he got? He has got a hat.

  他有什么?   他有一頂帽子。

  What has she got? She has got a scarf.

  她有什么?    她有一條圍巾。

  15.Is she a cook?   Yes, she is.

  她是一名廚師嗎? 是的,她是。

  Is your mother a cook, too?  No, she is not.

  你的母親也是一名廚師嗎? 不,她不是。

  16.Is he a farmer?   Yes, he is.

  他是一名農(nóng)民嗎? 是的,他是。

  Is your brother a farmer, too?  No, he is not.

  你的兄弟也是一名農(nóng)民嗎?  不,他不是。

  17.Do you like wind?  No, I don’t.

  你喜歡風(fēng)嗎?   不,我不喜歡

  Do you like snow?  Yes, I do.

  你喜歡雪嗎?   是的,我喜歡。










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